Lewisham Council Homepage Skip navigation

Arts and entertainment

Discover a new gallery or music venue, get support as a local artist, or find out what courses and classes are happening in your area.

London Borough of Culture

During 2022 the whole of Lewisham was alive with creative activity, all part of our year as London Borough of Culture.

Your local arts

Find out about local arts activities including theatres, cinemas, dance classes, choirs and public art.

Resources and advice for arts organisations

Find useful resources and information for running an arts group or activity.

Promoting your arts activities

Get our support with your marketing or learn about opportunities to promote your work.

Support for creatives

Get support and access to resources as a creative working or living in Lewisham.

Cultural venues in the borough

Find out about local cultural life and get an idea of what there is to see in the borough.

Arts volunteering

There are many arts organisations in Lewisham with diverse and exciting volunteering opportunities.

Find an arts course or class in the borough

Learn about opportunities to develop your artistic skills and talents.
Can't find what you're looking for? Ask us anything