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Yule love Lewisham’s indie businesses this Small Business Saturday

Residents are being encouraged to Shop Safe Shop Local this festive season, as part of a campaign launched by Lewisham Council this weekend to support local businesses in the run-up to Christmas.

The promotion will champion Lewisham’s many small and independent businesses by shining a light on the huge array of products and services they offer within the borough and spotlighting different districts, using the messaging “Yule Love Lewisham”.

Kicking off on Small Business Saturday, 4 December, it will run throughout the month - giving residents plenty of reasons to Shop Local this Christmas, while also ensuring local businesses are supported to maximise the festive period and keep their customers safe.

It has been another challenging year for Lewisham’s local entrepreneurs. With the economic impact of the pandemic still being felt across the borough, the Council is doing all it can to support local businesses and safeguard local jobs in line with its post-COVID 19 economic development strategy.

The Council recently published the findings of a first-of-its-kind study to understand and address the unique challenges independent local retailers face as they emerge from the pandemic – with an emphasis on identifying any disparities for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic business owners. It’s using the results to provide targeted and practical support for local business owners, such as help with marketing and access to local business networks.

The Council has also recently launched a new grant to support local high street businesses over the winter months. The Town Centre Small Grants could mean up to £2,499 for businesses or organisations that wish to deliver COVID-secure events or activities between December 2021 and March 2022 that will encourage more visitors to the borough’s town centres and high streets.

To celebrate Small Business Saturday on 4 December, the Council will be dedicating its Twitter account to local businesses. It will encourage them, alongside residents, to take to the social media platform to promote either their own services or their favourite shops, venues or services using hashtag #SmallBizSatUK.

Cllr Kim Powell, Cabinet Member for Business and Community Wealth Building, said:

“Lewisham’s fantastic small businesses will play a key role in helping the borough recover from the economic impact of COVID-19. We’re lucky to have a huge range of great shops and services within walking distance of our homes, but it’s been a tough year for businesses - so let’s all do our bit to support them throughout the festive season and beyond.

With Christmas coming up, we’re confident you can find something for every festive need right here in the borough, so we’re encouraging all our residents to Shop Safe Shop Local. Please just remember to observe the COVID rules while you’re out and about to keep the community safe. ”

Helen McIntosh, President of the South East London Chamber of Commerce (SELCC) said:

SELCC has supported Small Business Saturday since it began in the UK. Independent traders are the future of our high streets and we are there to support. Let’s all give our custom to local businesses this December.”

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