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Second high streets survey highlights optimism in Lewisham's vibrant business community

Independent businesses remain the driving force behind the borough's high streets, constituting two-thirds of all traders, reveals an independent survey commissioned by Lewisham Council, with 65% owned by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic entrepreneurs.

A black female business owner standing in front of her business, a shop which sells accessories

This is the second instalment in the ongoing high streets study which was launched by Lewisham Council in 2021. Lewisham was the first local authority to mandate a study of this nature, to better support independent businesses, tackle systemic inequalities faced by minoritised business owners and ensure the offering on our high streets reflects the local community.

The research was, once again, conducted by London South Bank University’s Business School – this time across nine of the borough’s bustling high streets including Catford, Deptford and Sydenham.

Results show that, despite wider economic challenges including the cost-of-living crisis, Lewisham’s independent business owners are feeling confident about their futures and positive about the borough.

Key findings include:

  • 50% of Black entrepreneurs now view the Council as business-friendly. Since the last survey, proactive steps have been taken to sure up the relationship with Lewisham’s Black business community including targeted support delivered through partners like Kinaraa and the launch of the Black Business Forum to provide a platform for networking – this is in addition to the wider, award-winning business programme.
  • Seven in ten independent business owners rate Lewisham as an excellent place to do business. Those asked highlighted initiatives such as London Borough of Culture 2022 as having had a positive impact, increasing pride in the local area and footfall.
  • There is long-term confidence on the borough’s high streets with almost nine in ten business owners believing that they will continue to trade in Lewisham over the next two years.
  • Our high streets are evolving with 120+ new ventures streets since 2021. New businesses are adapting to change by pivoting towards goods and services that ether can't be replicated online or are enhanced by in-person customer service such as cafes.
  • Over a quarter of surveyed business owners employ between four and six people, many of whom live locally, helping to put more money back into the local economy.

Cllr Kim Powell, Cabinet Member for Businesses, Jobs and Skills, said:

"I’m buoyed by these results. It's encouraging to know so many of the businesses on our high streets are feeling optimistic about the future and like they can really thrive here in Lewisham.

"When we launched this survey in 2021, it was about listening to our independent business owners so we could pinpoint the challenges they were facing and tailor the support they needed to overcome them – whether that was upskilling or building stronger professional networks. In this report, we’re seeing the fruition of the measures we took in response.

“Just look at the relationship with our Black business owners. Two years ago, many were not accessing the wider programme of business support we were offering. Now more than half of Black entrepreneurs see the Council as a champion for local businesses. It’s fantastic and goes a long way to helping us protect the diversity of our high streets.

“There is still work to do, including bringing more local businesses on board the journey to meet our net zero objectives but these findings are a big step in the right direction.”

Read the full Lewisham high streets 2023 report.

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