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Problem solving groups tackle key issues

Lewisham Council has set up special groups of councillors, focussed on coming up with innovative solutions to key issues affecting the borough’s residents.

Three Task and Finish Groups (TFG) are examining ways to ensure housing in the borough is environmentally sustainable, enhance digital inclusion for pupils and increase digital inclusion for adults with learning disabilities.

These small dedicated groups, made up of local councillors, will work to a deadline and gather evidence from a wide range of sources.

They will talk to key stakeholders and local and national organisations as well as service users and residents. They can also undertake site visits and carry out focus groups.

Their remit is to come up with focused recommendations which will then be presented to The Mayor and Cabinet for consideration.

Councillor Paul Maslin, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, said:

“Task and Finish Groups are an effective way to examine a key issue that matters to a lot of our residents and drill down on finding new ways to solve problems.

“We want to see achievable, practical solutions that are evidence based and that will have a positive impact on the lives of Lewisham residents.”

One Task and Finish Group, chaired by Councillor Louise Krupski, will examine ways to ensure all homes in the borough, both social housing and in the private sector, can be retrofitted and insulated to help achieve the Council’s ambitious Climate Change targets for 2030.

The team will look at what is being done to upgrade Lewisham Homes housing stock; investigate measures other boroughs are taking and consider how we can enforce energy efficiency standards for private landlords and help home owners to upgrade their properties.

Another Group, chaired by Councillor Colin Elliott, is examining how levels of digital inclusion can be improved for pupils, particularly those already identified as under-achieving prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This TFG will examine the lessons learned supporting pupils during the lockdown and how progress on digital inclusion can be shared, applied and evaluated as part of our recovery from the pandemic.

The third group, chaired by Councillor Jacq Paschoud, will examine how greater digital inclusion can be achieved for residents who have a learning disability, including ensuring that the Council’s online services are accessible to residents with a learning disability.

All three groups will produce their reports and recommendations by February 2022.

If you feel that you could make a contribution to the work of any of the Task and Finish Groups please email scrutiny@lewisham.gov.uk

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