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Planning permission has been granted for the Bampton Estate development in Perry Vale

Planning has been approved for our proposal to build 39 new council homes together with our housing partners, Lewisham Homes, for residents over 55 years of age.

Exterior Visualisation of Bampton Estate siteThese homes will provide much needed high-quality, social rent homes which will be charged at London affordable rent.

The residential building will be staggered in height, rising from from three to five storeys. It will include 39 one-bed flats, with landscaping and a communal courtyard that looks out onto Bampton Green. This is a public space which has been designated as an Asset of Community Value.

To help inform the design proposal, consultations have been held since 2016 with subsequent revisions made in response to residents’ queries and concerns. The current site is occupied by an existing ball court which will be relocated elsewhere on the estate. The new u-shaped building will complement the existing homes and space in and around the Bampton estate. Current park provisions will also be improved and increased in number.

Exterior Visualisation of Bampton Estate siteCllr Paul Bell, Cabinet Member for Housing, said, ‘We are making great progress in building new council homes. Bampton Estate is the latest development to be approved and reflects our commitment to build high-quality, council homes throughout Lewisham for our residents.

‘With ten thousand people currently on the housing waiting list and over 2,000 in temporary accommodation, Lewisham is working as fast as possible to deliver new homes.’

Construction is estimated to begin on site in summer 2020 and completed in spring 2022. You can see the planning application on our planning website.

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