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Development of the Surrey Canal Triangle

Following a period of intensive collaboration over the past 18 months, the Council, Millwall Football Club and the development company, Renewal, have agreed a new approach to enable their sites to come forward for housing and other development.

The previous plan had included a potential compulsory purchase order to develop part of a site currently leased by Millwall Football Club. Following months of negotiation facilitated by the Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, the previous compulsory land sale agreement will now be terminated and a new land sale agreement put in place which excludes the football club and community trust land.

Plans which involve building on leasehold land are now being revised.

This paves the way for an increase in much-needed social housing for Lewisham residents to be built on the site.

Damien Egan said: ‘I am delighted that we have all agreed a way forward to allow much-needed development on this site. It will bring jobs, housing and a new train station to an area currently under resourced. Over the past year, positive and constructive talks have been taking place between the Council, Renewal and Millwall Football Club to agree a way forward.

‘I updated councillors on these discussions and next steps. This includes bringing a report to Mayor and Cabinet today (10 October) seeking approval to terminate the Compulsory Land Sale Agreement and vary the Compulsory Purchase Order Indemnity Agreement to exclude the football club and community trust land. This will then pave the way for community consultation on development of the Surrey Canal Triangle site.

‘The regeneration of the area is an exciting opportunity for Lewisham. Our priority is that it must deliver more social homes, a new train station and have community support.’

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