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Over 200 Ukrainian refugees welcomed to Lewisham through Homes for Ukraine scheme

So far 200 Ukrainian refugees have been welcomed to Lewisham.

Foster carers Yeliz and Erkan standing in a garden Yeliz and Erkan are Lewisham foster carers who have cared for many young people, some from Lewisham and others who are unaccompanied asylum seekers from all over the world. “I knew I wanted a big family, but I didn’t expect that it would include young people from all over the world,” said Yeliz. Yeliz’s first experience fostering was as a respite carer for her parents. “It gave me a chance to build the confidence to take on fostering full-time,” Yeliz said, “being a respite carer I got to build relationships with young people and see how those relationships can help change these children”.

In 2015 Yeliz and Erkan had their first full-time placement. Yeliz’s first placements were Lewisham children, but she was soon placed with a young Afghan unaccompanied asylum seeker. “It was very different from the placements before. The language barrier was difficult, but he had been in a refugee camp in Turkey and we communicated through some Turkish and some English”. Yeliz has since had placements from all around the world including Vietnam, Sudan, and Albania.

“Fostering unaccompanied asylum seekers is very different from mainstream fostering. The language and cultural barrier is part of it, but I also had to learn how to navigate the immigration system and place them in ESOL classes. These young people have faced some sort of trauma coming into the country. Sometimes they are fleeing war and have not heard from family in years. I liaise with the Red Cross to see if we can find their family. Sometimes we hear back, but sometimes we don’t. It’s challenging, but I know that I need to be there to support these young people going through an extraordinarily difficult time”.

“Fostering unaccompanied asylum seekers means that my family is constantly interacting with different cultures. I like to call my house the International House. I try to strike a balance between keeping these young people in-touch with their native culture and helping them navigate a new one in London.

“I do this in part through food. I have learned how to make dishes from the places these young people are from. It’s my way of helping them remember their old home and welcoming them to their new home”.

Lewisham Council offers all foster carers competitive allowances, support and training. There are a range of different fostering options from short-term, emergency placements to long-term, permanent placements, and social workers speak with potential carers to see what works for their lives and families.

Most importantly, Lewisham foster carers are part of a community made up of truly passionate, caring and experienced social workers and carers who are making a real difference in their local community.

If you think you could make a difference in a child’s life contact Lewisham Council for an informal discussion on 0800 015 0129 or email fosteringrecruitment@lewisham.gov.uk.

Find out more about fostering with Lewisham Council.

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