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Local businesses become accredited London Living Wage employers

More than £743,315 has gone back into the pockets of workers in Lewisham since the London Living Wage was introduced, new data published to coincide with Living Wage Week (11–17 November 2019) reveals.

Since the Living Wage campaign started in 2001, thousands of low paid workers in the borough have benefited by being paid fairly for a day’s work. But one in four people working in Lewisham still earns below the Living Wage.

Lewisham became the joint first Living Wage accredited council in the country in March 2012 and over the past five years 80 employers in the borough have agreed to pay their staff a London Living Wage.
Isra Al Kassi, Marketing Manager at Catford Mews

Two more businesses in Lewisham have now pledged to pay their employees the Living Wage.

Catford Mews, the new independent entertainment and community venue in Lewisham which employs 15 staff, is proud to be an accredited London Living Wage employer.

Isra Al Kassi, Marketing Programme Manager, said: 'I think it’s fantastic that we are able to offer a living wage to our employees. It can help to ensure a good quality of life and should be the gold standard that all businesses strive towards.

'I would love to see more organisations prioritising this.'

Catford-based Filigree Communications, which supports the regeneration of places, people and policy across the housing, business growth and infrastructure sectors, has also pledged to pay its staff the Living Wage.

Staff from Filigree Communications

Sam Holgate, Founder and Director, said: 'If you believe in fair pay, I think every business owner has a duty to prove it by becoming accredited and lending support to the Living Wage campaign.

'London is an increasingly expensive city and everyone deserves a wage that reflects the cost of living. It sends a clear message to your team - and prospective employees – that you value their contribution, which improves team morale and boosts motivation.'

Businesses in Lewisham can receive a one-off business rates discount of up to £6,000 if they become accredited London Living Wage employers.

Find out more about the London Living Wage and Lewisham Council’s business rates discount offer

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