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Lewisham gets new Deputy Mayor

Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, has appointed Cllr Brenda Dacres as Lewisham’s new Deputy Mayor.

Deputy Mayor Brenda Dacres stands next to Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham. They are one metre apart and in front of a colourful painted wall.

Deputy Mayor Dacres has represented New Cross for seven years and is also the borough’s Cabinet Member for Safer Communities – a role she will continue alongside her new responsibilities.

Deputy Mayor Brenda Dacres said:

“I am inspired by the vibrant diversity of our borough, and I will work hard to support the mayor to bring this passion into the heart of Lewisham Council,” she says.

“My priority is to make sure that people feel empowered to play a role in their community, that we support those who need us most and that residents know about – and can access – the opportunities available to them.

“My mum and dad came to the UK from the Caribbean in the early 1960s and I am very proud of my heritage as a Black Caribbean Lewisham resident,” she says.

“My dad was a taxi driver and my mum was an NHS nurse. They taught me strong work ethics, the value of community and how everyone just wants a fair chance to succeed”

“As a hardworking single mum I know how difficult life can be, and the challenges facing young people. I have raised and educated my child in our borough’s schools, and I want every child in Lewisham to grow up in a fair, safe and more equal world.”

Mayor of Lewisham Damien Egan said:

“I’m delighted to have Brenda as my Deputy Mayor. She’s deeply rooted in the community and a brilliant advocate for our residents. I admire her passion and values of fairness and equality, and I know she will bring so much to this role during what will be a very challenging year ahead.

Cllr Dacres takes over the role from Cllr Chris Best, who remains Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care.

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