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Latest monitoring report published for Lewisham and Lee Green LTN

Report shows further falls in traffic levels and improvements in air quality

The latest monitoring report for the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) was presented to Mayor and Cabinet last night (Wednesday 1 November). It shows that: 

  • Overall traffic levels and speeds are continuing to fall on roads within and surrounding the LTN
  • The LTN has not negatively impacted on air quality in the area, with air quality improving in many locations compared to pre-LTN levels, including on the South Circular
  • Bus journey times remain at comparable levels for routes near to the LTN
  • Serious road traffic accidents have fallen on roads within and surrounding the LTN

The scheme was originally introduced in July 2020 and subsequently revised in September 2020 in response to resident feedback. Extensive monitoring has been carried out since 2020 to evaluate the impact of the LTN and assess how it is meeting its key objectives.

The latest monitoring report has used data collected on traffic levels and speeds, air quality, bus journey times and road traffic collisions. You can find the latest LTN monitoring report in the papers for Mayor and Cabinet.

Traffic levels and speeds

As the original LTN was introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic, where car usage was significantly lower, the most accurate way of measuring its impact on traffic levels is through traffic counts on roads within and surrounding the LTN where pre-Covid data is available.

Overall traffic levels on these roads continue to decrease – with average daily traffic volumes down 46% compared to pre-Covid and pre-LTN levels.

On the vast majority of these roads, traffic levels are lower in comparison to pre-Covid and pre-LTN levels.

In three monitoring locations (Leahurst Road – north of Ennersdale Road; Leyland Road – north of Upwood Road; Newstead Road), traffic levels are higher in comparison to pre-Covid levels. On Leahurst Road, the latest data shows traffic levels are falling, with a decrease in this location compared to 2022. On Newstead Road, the latest data shows traffic levels are only 1.3% higher than pre-Covid and pre-LTN levels.

Local interventions, such as the introduction of School Streets on Leahurst Road, and borough-wide initiatives to reduce car journeys and encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport, such as our Sustainable Streets programme, aim to reduce traffic levels in these locations.

On roads where pre-scheme and pre-Covid data is available, average vehicle speeds have also fallen by an average of 1.5mph.

Air quality

Air quality monitoring data indicates that the LTN has not negatively impacted on air quality in and around the scheme area. NO2 levels have continued to fall, with an average decrease of 9% compared to data from 2021.

Significantly, air quality monitoring carried out on the South Circular has shown improvements in air quality, which is now better than pre-Covid and pre-LTN levels. The recent expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone beyond the South Circular is also expected to contribute to further improvements in air quality in the area.

Bus journey times

Data from Transport for London has shown bus journey times are largely unchanged compared to pre-LTN levels.

For eastbound journeys along Brownhill Road (South Circular), the latest average journey time is below the expected upper baseline range for this route. Northbound journey times on the Burnt Ash Hill/Burnt Ash Road corridor are returning to pre-Covid levels and there has been little to no change in southbound journey times when comparing with pre-Covid and pre-LTN data. Along the Lee High Road/Eltham Road corridor, average journey times remaining within the expected range for this route.

Road traffic collisions

Data from Transport for London and the police has shown a reduction in serious collisions (involving people being killed or injured) on roads within and surrounding the LTN since its introduction in 2020.

Further monitoring

Further monitoring will be carried out in 2024 to measure the impact of the LTN in relation to its key aims.

We will also be implementing a new traffic monitoring approach across the borough to improve data collection and help inform future decision-making on transport projects.

Reducing traffic, improving air quality and supporting active travel

Work is ongoing across the borough to help reduce traffic and congestion, improve air quality and support more people to walk, cycle or use public transport, including:

  • Rolling out our Sustainable Streets programme to improve parking management and install more sustainable transport measures
  • Planting more street trees across the borough to improve air quality and create greener and healthier streets for local residents
  • Investing £3.2m in pavement repairs and road resurfacing to help pedestrians and cyclists
  • Using £1.6m of funding from Transport for London to progress projects such as new cycle infrastructure, more pedestrianised streets and additional traffic calming measures.
  • Installing more electric vehicle charging points to support people to switch away from polluting vehicles
  • Expanding the availability of cycle hangars, with a focus on parts of the borough with low coverage
  • Improving the management of dockless hire bikes to support active travel and tackle issues such as inconsiderate parking
  • Expanding our existing air quality monitoring network

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