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Council stops blue badge fraud

Fraudulent blue badge user ordered to pay £1,366 - woman caught using a deceased person’s blue badge illegally serves as a warning to others, says Council

Blue Badge symbolA woman found to be illegally using a deceased holder’s blue badge was ordered to pay £1,366, following a successful investigation and prosecution by Lewisham Council, in conjunction with NSL Parking Services.

Ms. Karupa Patel, 51, of Woodlands Drive, Stanmore, was found to have abused a cancelled blue badge on more than one occasion to park in Walerand Road, Blackheath.

On 15 August 2023, at Bromley Magistrates Court, Ms Patel was convicted of two charges under s117 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act. She was ordered to pay £1,366 in fines and prosecution costs. Ms Patel did not attend the subsequent court hearing or send a representative.

Councillor Amanda de Ryk, Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy, said, “Lewisham Council has a zero tolerance to fraud. The Council is committed to preventing fraud and corruption within all aspects of the Council’s daily life, whether internal or external. This is excellent work by Council officers and our partners to identify fraud and put a stop to it.

“If any of our residents suspect fraud is taking place, whether it be blue badges, housing or anything else, we encourage reporting it to the council immediately by visiting our website.”

Lewisham Council's Anti-Fraud and Corruption Team investigates all allegations of fraud against Lewisham Council, including fraudulent use of blue badges. 

Suspected fraud can be reported to the Council's fraud hotline on 0800 085 0119 or email reportfraud@lewisham.gov.uk. All calls and emails are treated in the strictest confidentiality.

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About Lewisham Council

Lewisham is a vibrant and culturally diverse borough. We have a rich history of welcoming people from all over the world and are proud to be recognised as the UK’s first Borough of Sanctuary, for our work in championing the rights of sanctuary seekers. 

As we plan ahead, we are working towards a fairer, greener, healthier and more economically sound future for all in Lewisham. This means continuing our efforts to tackle climate change for generations to come; ensuring that good health and wellbeing is equally accessible to everyone; and safeguarding local jobs and upskilling residents with tools they need to succeed. Building on the community spirit and activism that has helped us through the pandemic, we are committed to creating a Future Lewisham we can all have a part in.

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