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International visitors experience the eclectic treasures of Deptford's markets

Over 300 delegates representing 150 countries attended the International Public Markets Conference in London between 6–8 June and 40 of them came to Deptford to get a taste of one of the borough’s most popular markets.

The conference, hosted by Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, focussed on how public markets can promote prosperity, provide decent employment opportunities and provide a focal point for local communities.

Delegates attended a workshop at the Albany on Friday 7 June, followed by a tour of Douglas Way second hand market, the general market in Deptford High Street and Deptford Market Yard – a new market area created by the regeneration of the area around Deptford Station. They heard from our markets team about recent environmental improvements, which has seen a 50% reduction in waste from the market, as well as the work we’re doing to support thriving and diverse markets across the borough.

Councillor Joe Dromey, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Finance and Skills, took the delegates for a tour of the markets. He explained the history of the market – which dates back to the 19th century – and the value of the public market for the local community.

Delegates from the International Markets Conference meet with market stallholder

Councillor Dromey said: ‘We want to build an economy that works for the many, and thriving public markets are crucial to this. We are so proud of Deptford Market, and it was a pleasure to show our international visitors around. As a Council, we will continue to work with local traders to ensure the market goes from strength to strength, and is still thriving in another 100 years.’

One of our priorities is to continue strengthening the local economy and markets are a vital part of that. Trading on a market presents few barriers for business start-ups, providing opportunities for residents. Markets are also integral to the identity and character of the borough, as well as the sense of community they provide. 

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