COVID-19 Transport Response Team Update
How we’re monitoring the temporary measures in Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Area 
Several residents have asked us how we are monitoring the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Area and what we plan do with these findings in the future. Yesterday, we published our Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Area - Monitoring Strategy which covers answers to these questions.
Transport for London (TfL) and the Department for Transport (DfT) asked London boroughs to work very quickly to introduce these measures so we do not have all the baseline air quality data we would do in normal circumstances. Usually at least three months continuous data is preferable to understand any regular fluctuations that occur under normal circumstances.
We do, however, hold all the baseline data for traffic counts and speeds. This, coupled with the air monitoring data we are now collecting will provide a comprehensive picture of the impact of the COVID-19 measures on our streets.
We have committed to an extensive monitoring programme for our current schemes, and as other schemes come forward they will be subject to a similar monitoring.
Update on TfL’s A21 improvements
TfL are due to implement a number of measures along a 2km stretch on the A21 to improve public transport, cycling and walking routes. We are currently discussing the final details with them to ensure any potential impacts on our residents and our network are mitigated. Please keep an eye on the Commonplace website for further details.
Residents should send comments and feedback to
School Streets
This week we launched the first phase of our school streets programme at Adamsrill, Deptford Green, Kelvin Grove and Prendergast Ladywell Schools. School Streets have been designed to ensure that social distancing can be maintained at the school gate, and parents or carers are able to wait for their children in a calm and safe environment that has clean air, without having to worry about traffic or idling vehicles. It also aims to make it easier and safer to walk and cycle to school, and hopes to encourage children and adults to switch to more sustainable forms of travel.
We’ll be bringing School Streets to several other Schools in the coming weeks. Find out more information here.
Report broken or vandalised equipment
If you need to report broken equipment please report this via our report a problem service. We may not be able to get back to you but we will look into the issue and make necessary repairs as quickly as possible.
This reporting option should only be used for broken equipment and not new requests or feedback on the scheme. Each scheme has a dedicated webpage at where feedback can be shared.
If you see anyone vandalising equipment please report it to the police first by calling 101 or online, ideally adding photos or video footage and a registration number if you can– but not if it would mean putting yourself at risk. After this, please report the damage to us via the Council switchboard on 020 8314 6000 with confirmation that you have reported it to police. We will seek to reinstate it as soon as possible. Our funding is limited so making these repairs will impact on our ability to introduce further measures to support these schemes.
If you have an urgent enquiry, please should call 020 8314 6000.