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Catherine Mbema wins Public Health Leadership Award at Black Healthcare Awards

Lewisham Council’s Director of Public Health, Dr Catherine Mbema, won the Fenton Public Health Award at the inaugural Black Healthcare Awards last week.

The prize is given to public health professionals who are devoted to making positive change and who consistently deliver work that improves people’s health and wellbeing.

The calibre of those nominated is a testament to Catherine’s leadership and dedication to our residents.

“It was such a wonderful surprise to win on Saturday,” she said. “And so lovely to be given the award by Professor Kevin Fenton himself!

“I’m honoured to be recognised in this way and at such an important event that celebrates the contributions and achievements of Black professionals working in health and care fields.”

Catherine might have been shocked to win, but Councillor Paul Bell, our Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care, was not.

He said: “I’m delighted that Catherine has won the Fenton Award. It shows what we already know – that she is a talented leader and excellent representative of our community.

“It’s an incredible achievement which surprises no one.”

Couple standing at awards

There are so many highlights from Catherine’s time at the Council, but a couple of stand outs include:

  • her unflappable leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic, where she drove the borough’s response from the frontline and kept her team motivated during those unprecedented times
  • her work to deliver the Birmingham and Lewisham African and Caribbean Health Inequalities Review (BLACHIR), a first-of-its-kind joint research project between Lewisham and Birmingham City Councils exploring the health inequalities experience by Black African and Caribbean communities

A huge congratulations to Catherine and to all the other nominees!

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