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Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 is running from Monday 22 February to Sunday 7 March.

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade makes sure that farmers and workers in the developing world receive better working conditions, higher wages, local sustainability and fair terms of trade.

By making sure companies pay sustainable prices, Fairtrade tackles the injustices of trade organisations which can discriminate against the most vulnerable. By making simple choices when out shopping and switching to Fairtrade products, you can help improve the lives of farmers around the world.

Find out more about Lewisham as a Fairtrade borough.

Local Fairtrade

As a Fairtrade Borough, Lewisham commits to supporting and using products with the Fairtrade Mark. We have spoken to some local businesses who explain the importance of Fairtrade.

Outside the shopfront of Sans Store in Forest Hill, shop owners Max and Cloé stand outside laughingSans Store

Sans Store is an independent grocery store in Forest Hill, which sells locally sourced food, drinks, greetings cards and flowers. Owners Max and Cloé support Fairtrade and sustainable farming wherever possible.

Max, Owner of Sans Store, said:

“We are always keen to support Fairtrade wherever possible because it strongly aligns with our ethos. It is so important for businesses to support better working conditions, fair prices, sustainable farming and business practices for local communities around the world. Not only does this provide support and certainty in the here and now, it also helps us build a sustainable future, which will benefit us all in the long term.

“All of us have an opportunity, as both consumers and businesses, to support Fairtrade causes, whether that’s picking up a Fairtrade bunch of bananas for breakfast or deciding to partner with a supplier who is certified as Fairtrade. If a supplier is certified as Fairtrade or sells a good range of Fairtrade products it is a massive bonus for us and certainly influences our purchasing choices.”

Co owner of the Hill Station Cafe Jacqui sits inside the cafe holding a cup of coffeeHill Station Café

The Hill Station Café, located at the top of Telegraph Hill, has a menu which offers sustainably sourced, healthy food, using local suppliers whenever they can. The café is a popular socialising spot, event and art space closely involved with the local community across a broad range of projects.

Jacqui from Hill Station Café said:

“We sell Fairtrade coffee and we like knowing and finding out about the people who produce our coffee and what drives them to produce a great tasting product. We are confident in the fact they are getting a fair price for their amazing coffee.”

Lee Greens

Lee Greens is a not-for-profit, community-led business, which provides fresh seasonal organic fruit and veg bags to subscription customers Tim Croker from Lee Greensliving in the borough. Lee Greens support local trade, help the farmers and protect the environment. They are also previous winners of the Mayor of Lewisham's Business Award for the Environment.

Tim from Lee Greens said:

“Lee Greens was founded with the idea of Fairtrade at its heart. We support local farmers by developing long-term relationships with them and paying them a fair price for the fruit (and veg) of their labours. Beyond that we buy food produced on organic principles which means we’re also supporting healthier soils and a wealth of wildlife. Fairtrade is about the local community as well, and every week we donate fruit and veg to local charities to help more people have access to fresh, healthy food.”

What is Fairtrade Fortnight?

For two weeks each year, thousands of individuals and companies across the UK come together for Fairtrade Fortnight to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and grow the cotton in our clothes. These people are often exploited and underpaid.

This year, the Fairtrade Foundation is particularly highlighting the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with. Farmers in climate vulnerable countries are seeing its devastating impacts from droughts and crop disease, to floods, heatwaves and shrinking harvests.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only worsened the situation for farmers, with falling commodity prices and global disruption to supply chains.

Take a look at ways you can get involved and raise awareness during Fairtrade Fortnight on the Fairtrade Foundation website.

Get involved with the Fairtrade Foundation’s Festival of Climate, Fairtrade and You. Here you’ll be able to join live virtual panel discussions, talks with Fairtrade farmers and Fairtrade wine tasting!

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