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COVID-19 in Lewisham update 27 November

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health shares the latest update on coronavirus in our borough and the steps we can all take to help protect ourselves and everyone in our communities.

Yesterday, it was confirmed that London will be in Tier 2 – high alert - when the current national restrictions end next Wednesday (2 December). The number of people testing positive in Lewisham still remains high.

Across the capital, the infection rate is very varied and in Kent rising numbers of people testing positive will see the entire county move into the highest alert level – Tier 3. The early weeks of December will be critical for London. The more we move around, the greater the risk of spreading the virus, so only use public transport if you have to and avoid travelling to and from Tier 3 areas. Let’s take this opportunity to stay local and support Lewisham’s shops and businesses.

For this weekend and the early part of next week, we must remember that national restrictions continue to be in place. Our everyday good habits continue to be so important in keeping the infection rate low. Remember to wash your hands regularly, use a face covering and keep a safe 2 metre distance from those outside your household or support bubble. Stay at home if you have symptoms or if you’re asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace.

What are the Tier 2 rules?

You can read the full list of dos and don’ts for Tier 2 on the government website. Remember – hands, face, space. These important rules apply across all tiers and will continue to be important for many months to come.

In a garden or an outdoor public space, you can meet in a group of up to six people, keeping a safe 2m distance. You won’t be able to meet anyone who you do not live with, or who is not in your support bubble indoors, whether at home or in a public place.

In the winter months as we spend more time indoors, so good ventilation is important. If you have to go into a workplace with others, remember to open a window to bring in some fresh air as this helps to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Shops and many businesses will reopen and you should continue to wear a face covering and follow the COVID Secure rules in place to keep employees and other customers safe. Restaurants, cafes as well as pubs and bars serving meals will also reopen for table service and you’ll be able to dine in with members of your household or support bubble. This is welcome news for the many local businesses on high streets across Lewisham, but it’s for all of us to take extra care when we’re out - follow the rules, help stop the spread of the virus and support our businesses to keep trading.

Many people will be pleased to pick up sport and fitness activities that have not been permitted over recent weeks. Organised outdoor sport and exercise classes will be allowed and if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people outside their household or support bubble, indoor sport and exercise classes will be permitted.

Stepping up our testing

We’re working hard to make it easier and faster to get a COVID-19 test. Alongside testing sites in Catford and Deptford, a new Local Testing Unit will be open seven days a week at Molesworth Car Park (Molesworth St, London SE13 7DS) from 8am to 8pm every day.

If you haven’t taken part in our survey, please take a few moments to let us know if you would take a COVID-19 test even if you didn’t have symptoms. These rapid tests that can be processed on site, mean a test result can be returned very quickly on the same day. Initially, we’ll be taking a targeted approach in rolling out these rapid tests and we’re exploring mobile testing for staff and teachers at schools, and using the tests to help our Public Health team swiftly respond to any outbreaks.

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