Privacy notice – Linkline Telecare
Information about how and when the Linkline Telecare Team processes information about you.
What we do
Linkline Telecare is a 24-hour alarm system that you can use in an emergency to call for help. The service is available to anyone who feels at risk in their own home because of age, disability, isolation, illness or vulnerability. Many older people living alone and younger people with disabilities rely on our service to live independently, safe in the knowledge that they can always get help when they need it.
What information we collect
We may collect:
- your name
- your address
- your date of birth
- your ethnicity
- your relationships information (next of kin, etc)
- your health information
- your referral information
- your contact details
- information about other agencies involved
- your risks.
Agencies we might share your information with
We may share your information with:
- health agencies
- police
- London Ambulance Service
- London Fire Brigade
- adult social care.
Why we process your information
We collect your information for:
- service delivery
- service improvement.
Published on: 21/03/2023