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Privacy notice - Adult Social Care survey

Information about how and when Adult Social Care processes personal information about you in relation to the Adult Social Care Survey.

What we do

Adult Social Care services empower individuals and families to lead independent lives and strengthen communities through their partnership working. For more details on the work of Adult Social Care services, please visit our webpages. Adult Social Care services are governed by the council’s privacy statement.

The purpose of processing for the survey

Each year, NHS Digital carries out surveys to get feedback from service users to try to ensure our services meet the needs of our service users. All councils with Adult Social Services responsibilities are required to conduct this annual survey of those to whom they provide services.

The data collected are sent to NHS Digital and are used as the basis of analyses that are included in national-level Official Statistics reports.

The data will be used to inform and support policy and decision making at both the local and national level; to improve care, services and outcomes for local populations

Legal basis for using your data

NHS Digital requests data from councils under Section 259 (1) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 powers.

Adult Social Care will process your personal data under Articles 6(1)(e) and 9(2)(g) of the UK GDPR for the purposes of identifying prospective participants.

What information we collect

The following information which was accurate to the best knowledge of the Council at the time of developing the sample has been utilised to identify you as eligible to take part in the study:

  • name
  • address

The fact that you are an individual is in receipt of long-term support services funded or managed by the council, making you eligible for inclusion in the survey.

The information that you provide in the questionnaire includes questions about quality of life and what impact care and support services have on your quality of life. It collects information on general health and well-being covered in six sections of the questionnaire:

  • Overall Satisfaction with Care and Support
  • Quality of Life
  • Knowledge and Information
  • Your Health
  • Layout of Home and Surrounding Area
  • About Yourself

How is it used?

We will anonymise the results, so no one can directly identify you, by removing all your personal details from the survey you return to us and before sharing the information with NHS Digital (the national information and technology organisation supporting health and social care services).

Once the surveys are processed they are securely destroyed. We would only ever contact you regarding your answers if you indicate that there is a risk to your health and safety, or that you are experiencing a serious problem with your care. In this case, someone from Adult Social Services will contact you to discuss how you wish to proceed.

How long is the personal data retained by the Council?

Personal data will only be retained for as long as it is needed for the purpose specified above, for as long as the duration of the project requires it, or as required by applicable law or regulatory requirements. Councils are required to retain paper copies of the questionnaire until at least the publication of the final report.

Agencies we might share the information with

  • internally with other council teams
  • health agencies
  • voluntary and independent agencies

Only anonymised data will be shared with internal and external bodies.

Why we process your information

We process your information for:

  • service delivery
  • service improvement
  • prevention/detection of crime/fraud
  • service planning
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