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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Additional forms are required when applying for this school. Contact the school direct for more information.


St Josephs Roman Catholic School, Crossfield Street, London, SE8 3PH

Telephone 020 8692 4836
Email info@stjps.lewisham.sch.uk
Website St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School age range:


School type

voluntary aided




Ms Louise Blyde (Head of School)

Additional school information

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a voluntary aided school in the Diocese of Southwark. It is in the trusteeship of the Diocese. The school is conducted by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its Trust Deed and Instrument of Government, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ. The school exists primarily to serve the Catholic community and Catholic children always have priority of admission. However, the Governing Body also welcomes applications from those of other denominations and faiths who support the religious ethos of the school.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ofsted report

Admissions places available

2020–2021: 30

Admission policies:

Admissions information

Executive Head:

Mr Joshua Levenson
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