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Young people – bullying

A bully is someone who makes you feel scared or unsafe, or gets you to do things you don't want to do. 

Different types of bullying

Bullying is nasty. It can affect anyone and can come in many forms and can include any of the following:

  • verbal bullying (or name calling)

  • racial bullying

  • physical bullying

  • homophobic bullying

  • religious or faith bullying

  • cyber bullying (online bullying)

  • bullying on social networks (Twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram etc)

How bullying can affect you

Bullying can affect your:

  • confidence

  • self-esteem

  • ability to concentrate at school

It may also make you:

  • feel anxious or depressed

  • want to isolate and withdraw yourself from friends or family

  • not want to go to school

  • feel like having thoughts of harming yourself or others 

Bullying is unacceptable 

Going to school should be fun, inspiring and challenging and a place to meet friends and learn – a place you want to be.

If you feel you’re being bullied tell an adult, friend or teacher you trust.

Remember there are people out there who care and can help make it stop.

Get further help and advice

You can find useful information and advice about bullying and how you can seek help and support by visiting the following websites:

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