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Healthy eating

Eating well is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone, whatever their age.

 Healthy eating

All the food we eat can be divided into five food groups. The Eatwell Guide can help you to get a better balance of healthier and more sustainable food, it shows how much of what you eat overall should come from each food group. 

The Diverse Nutrition Association has developed an African & Caribbean version of the Eatwell Guide.

  • Fruit and vegetables – eat lots. Aim for five portions a day and try to include a variety of different types and colours.

  • Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods: these should form the main part of each meal. Try to eat wholegrain varieties when you can.

  • Meat, fish, eggs, beans: eat some of these protein foods every day and try to include two portions of fish each week – one of which should be an oily fish such as sardines.

  • Milk and dairy foods – again, include these every day but where you can choose low fat versions.

Find out more about healthy eating and how to include it in your daily life.

You can also download our FREE cookery book for Black African and Caribbean families, which was written by a professional dietitian. 

Tips for healthy eating

  • Base your meals on starchy foods.
  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
  • Eat more fish – including one portion of oily fish each week.
  • Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.
  • Try to cut down on your salt intake – check the labels on foods you buy, there can be lots of hidden salt in foods we buy regularly.
  • Drink plenty of water and don’t allow yourself to get thirsty.
  • Don’t skip breakfast.

Get lots of tips, ideas and recipes to help you eat well, live well.

Babies and young children 

There are lots of tips available to help you feed your newborn baby, toddler and growing child.

One in four children who start primary school in the borough are already overweight. Children who are very overweight are more likely to have health issues at a young age, such as high blood pressure and low self-confidence.

What can I do?

  • Sugar swaps: swap sugary snacks and drinks for ones that are lower in sugar. Offer water or milk instead of sweetened drinks.

  • Meal time: it's important for children to have regular meals as growing bodies respond better to routine.

  • Snack check: many snacks are full of sugar, salt, fat and calories. Try to limit your child to 2 healthy snacks per day, such as a finger of toast or piece of fruit.

  • 'Me' size meals: it's important to make sure that children get just the right amount for their age.

  • 5 a day: offer your child 5 portions of fruit and/or vegetables a day (1 portion = your child's handful).

  • Up and about: encourage your child to be active. Young children should be active for at least 3 hours a day.

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