About our core strategy for the Local Development Framework
The core strategy is the key LDF document. It is our plan for the future and sets out the key decisions about how much development will happen in the borough and where, when, and how it will take place.
We adopted the core strategy on 29 June 2011. It superseded the Lewisham Unitary Development Plan.
The core strategy forms part of the development plan for the borough, together with the:
- Site Allocations Local Plan
- Lewisham Town Centre Local Plan
- Development Management Local Plan
- London Plan.
Our core strategy covers a 15 year period from 2011 to 2026. The policies will help us to assess all future planning applications, big and small. It sets out our approach to important issues including how we will seek to improve the built environment, provide more affordable housing and employment spaces, respond to climate change, and provide facilities for our communities.
See the strategy
You can download the strategy below. Hard copies are available:
- to see at all libraries
- to see or purchase from our office (£10 for local businesses and residents, £35 for others. Price include post and packaging).
Pdf, 5.9MB
Inspector's report and adoption documents
An Independent Planning Inspector held an Examination in Public (EiP) in February 2011 into the soundness of the core strategy, to determine whether it could be adopted.
On 28 March 2011 we received the binding Inspector’s report, which found the core strategy sound subject to some amendments. The changes required by the Inspector are all supported by us and indeed were suggested by us.
The core strategy was reported to Mayor and Cabinet on 11 May 2011 with a recommendation for adoption. It was then adopted by the Full Council on 29 June 2011.
Pdf, 4.9MB
Pdf, 7.1MB
Pdf, 14.6KB