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Houses in multiple occupation – what happens after you apply for a licence

Find out what happens when you apply for an HMO licence.

From 1 October 2018, all HMOs with five or more occupants need to have a licence.

After you submit your application, we review it. If we decide to grant a licence, we will issue a draft HMO licence with a notice of our intention to grant a licence.

Certificates needed

We need to carry out a property inspection. You must also give us the following certificates within 28 days of the application:

  • ​PAT certificate (Portable Electrical Appliance Test certificate) – signed and dated by a certified electrician

  • Emergency Lighting System certificate – signed and dated by a certified electrician

  • Electrical Inspection certificate – signed and dated by a certified electrician
  • Fire Detection Warning System – signed and dated by a certified electrician
  • Gas Safety certificate – signed and dated by a certified electrician
  • Plans of the premises.

We will issue the full licence 28 days after you submit and pay for the application.

What happens if you don't provide the certificates

If you do not provide these certificates we can take legal action against you.

If you disagree with a decision that we make you have the right to appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber – Residential Property)​.​


Private Sector Housing Agency

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