Discretionary disabled facilities grant
What is a discretionary disabled facilities grant?
In addition to providing mandatory disabled facilities grants, we also have the power to offer discretionary financial assistance. It is similar to the disabled facilities grant, in that it is identical in terms of criteria and conditions, however, the requirement for a means test for a discretionary Disabled Facilities Grant will be removed.
Maximum grant amount £15,000.
Who can apply?
This grant will be offered to applicants requiring a fast track to accessing certain adaptations carried out in their home. The trigger for this grant will be either:
- where a health professional has identified that works set out below is required to assist in their discharge from hospital
- where an Occupational Therapist (OT) has recommended a stairlift for the disabled person
This grant can fund
- replace a defective or obsolete stairlift / hoist which is outside of the 5-year warranty
- fund the installation of a stairlift / hoist
- installation of a level access shower
- installation of a ramp
How to apply
To make an enquiry or to start the grant application process email: grantsandloans@lewisham.gov.uk or call the Private Sector Housing Agency on 020 8314 6622.
To find out if a disabled person is eligible for a visit and assessment by an Occupational Therapist, contact the Community Occupational Therapy service direct on telephone 020 8314 7777.
Before we can decide whether to approve or refuse a housing assistance application, the applicant must submit a valid application. A valid application will consist of completing and submitting the following documents:
- an application form
- an owner-occupation certificate or tenants certificate
- proof of ownership from the owner or landlord
- proof of earnings or benefits
- if the applicant is a tenant, written confirmation from the owner that they agree to the work being carried out
- two quotations from legitimate building contractors
- details of any professional fees and/or other ancillary charges
- If the applicant has a long term serious illness, the Council may require a medical report from the applicant’s GP or consultant.
Where necessary, the applicant may be required to submit further supporting documentation or information to help us reach a decision.
Repayment of the discretionary disabled facilities grant
- below £5,000 – the applicant does not need to repay the grant
- between £5,000 and £15,000 – repay the grant value minus £5,000
If the owner disposes of the property before the certified date, the recipient must immediately repay the grant in full to the Council. For full information on the grant and conditions, please read the Housing Assistance Policy.