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Services we provide to leaseholders

As a leaseholder you may receive all or some of the services listed on this page. Find out about services we provide.

The services to buildings and estates we manage are carried out by staff we employ, contractors we appoint and manage.

Services we supply

  • caretaking
  • general building and estate repairs
  • antisocial behaviour
  • customer services
  • resident involvement
  • entry phones
  • lifts
  • technical services and repairs
  • window cleaning (in shared areas)
  • pest control
  • communal heating (and hot water)
  • electricity for communal (shared) lighting
  • sweeping
  • grounds maintenance
  • leasehold management
  • bulk household waste removal
  • entry phones


We supply this service to the communal areas inside a building. It includes:

  • reporting damage to shared areas
  • washing shared areas
  • replacing light bulbs and covers to lights in shared areas
  • making sure that public areas in buildings are safe
  • sweeping and cleaning lifts
  • dealing with blocked rubbish chutes where possible
  • working with the antisocial behaviour team to tackle antisocial behaviour which affects the building and estate

Working out the service charge for caretaking and cleaning

We multiply the average number of hours spent on a building over the course of a year by the cost to us per hour. This gives us the yearly cost of supplying the service to the block.

The hourly cost includes wages, equipment, materials, supervision, uniforms, phones and so on, plus the other overhead costs of running the service. We then divide the cost equally between the total number of properties in the building benefiting from the service.

So, the more work that the building needs from the caretaking service, the higher the cost to the building.


We are responsible for sweeping estates.

Working out the service charge

We work out the cost of providing the service to each estate or group of properties, including the cost of supervision, materials and equipment.

We then divide the cost by the number of properties on the estate. This charge is only for estate roads and paths that are not part of the highways.

If the road is a highway, you pay for this service in your Council tax.

General building and estate repairs

This service is the day-to-day repairs and maintenance work we carry out to the structure and shared parts of your building and the estate. Although we carry out repairs with our own workforce, there are instances where we appoint specialist contractors to carry out the work. General building and estate repairs include work to shared parts, for example:

  • the roof
  • shared doors
  • main storage tanks
  • drains and gutters, including jetting, rubbish chute clearance
  • repairs to shared lighting
  • estate roads and paths

Working out the service charge for building maintenance

We divide the cost of the work, plus the overheads of running the service, by the number of properties in the building or on the estate. In some cases, the repair may only be relevant to one part of an estate, in which case we take this into account in the calculation.

Antisocial behaviour

All leaseholders on estates and in purpose built blocks contribute towards this service. We do not charge leaseholders in street properties (houses converted into flats) as these are dealt with on an individual basis. All leaseholders pay towards this service. The cost of the service is shared equally between all the properties that we manage excluding street properties.

Resident Involvement

Leaseholders and tenants can take part in the various involvement activities that we provide. The leaseholders service charge for resident involvement is based on the cost shared equally over all the properties that we manage.

Leasehold Management

This is the service we provide to you through our leasehold caseworkers and other leasehold administration. The management charge includes a proportion of staff costs, the Service Charge Audit and Lewisham Homes’ overheads. This includes corporate tools that help us provide services, such as information technology systems, office accommodation, human resources, finance and accountancy.

Services supplied by a contractor working for us

Entry phones

This service maintains and repairs entry phone door systems in buildings or blocks as required.

Working out the service charge for entry phones

The cost in your service charge is for the communal (shared) parts of the system and does not cover the cost of handsets which are inside flats. If the handset inside your home needs repairing, you will have to pay the full cost of the repair. We also must add VAT as the repair is not to a shared part of the building. We divide the cost of the work, plus the overheads of running the service, by the number of properties in the building.

Bulk household waste removal

This service has been introduced in 2010 as a result of consultation through the Residents’ Business Plan. The removal service takes away items of bulky household waste such as old furniture etc.


This service includes regular checks, servicing and maintenance, and callouts to repair a broken-down lift.

Working out the service charge for lift maintenance

The lift charge includes the cost of the electricity used to run and light the lift, regular checks, servicing and maintenance, and the cost of callouts to repair a broken-down lift. We work out the charge for each lift and divide it equally by the number of properties in the building (but not ground-floor properties).

Technical services and repairs

These include:

  • water-storage tanks
  • lightning conductors
  • fire safety equipment
  • and aerials.

Working out the service charge for technical services

We divide the cost of the work, plus the overheads of running the service, by the number of properties in the building or on the estate. In some cases, the repair may only be relevant to one part of an estate, in which case we take this into account when working out the charge.

Window cleaning (in shared areas)

In 2009/10 we introduced a window cleaning service for windows in communal (shared) areas. This work is carried out by a contractor appointed us.

Working out the service charge for cleaning communal (shared) windows
The cost of providing the service for your block is divided by the number of properties in the block. Each communal (shared) window is cleaned twice per year.

Pest control

This is the service provided to buildings where there are known problems with pests such as cockroaches, pharaoh ants or rats. A service charge is made where treatment of the whole block is required. If only some properties in a building need treatment the individual resident who needs the service pays for the work.

Before block treatment work is carried out, you will be notified by letter and asked to provide access to your home. This type of treatment can only be properly effective if all properties and communal (shared) areas in a building are treated. If necessary, Lewisham Homes will take enforcement action to ensure that access is gained to every property in the building.

Communal heating (and hot water)

You are charged for this service if your property is connected to a central boiler shared by several properties.

Electricity for communal (shared) lighting

This service includes all shared lighting in the block, for instance in corridors and stairwells.

Working out the service charge for shared lighting

This charge is for the cost of electricity. We work out the charge for shared lighting by dividing equally the cost of electricity used to provide lighting to entrances, staircases and shared areas between all the properties that benefit. It does not include the cost of repairs as we charge for these separately. We use the bills we receive from the energy company for your building to work out the charges.

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