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Resident guide to action on the climate crisis

Find out what simple steps you can take to help tackle climate change.

Climate change is a global issue and the response needs everybody working together.  As a Council, we are working to reach our ambition of net zero emissions by 2030

What can we all do to help? 

Use your voice

Using your voice to campaign for change is vital.  Policies and business strategies are often shaped by popular demand, and democratic elections determine which policies become reality. That’s why lobbying locally and nationally to make the shift towards a decarbonised economy is crucial. You can make your voice heard in multiple ways:

  • Write to your political representatives or visit them in surgery to find out what they are doing to protect future generations from polluted air, unsafe roads and dangerous weather events.
  • Lobby your political representatives about ending fossil fuel use.
  • Find out how your MP votes with regards to policies that protect the environment and vote for one that champions them. Register to vote.
  • Join a citizens’ organisation to campaign on a larger scale. Some examples are Greenpeace UKFriends of the Earth and Climate Action Lewisham.
  • Sign petitions that demand environmental protection and contribute to consultations on developments in your local area.
  • Vote with your wallet. Show your support for products and services that prevent and reduce waste and carbon emissions. This sends a message to businesses that there is demand for eco-friendly and resource efficient products and services.

Reduce your environmental impact

If you are looking for practical suggestions for action on the climate emergency then you probably already know that reducing your environmental impact doesn’t have to mean doing less: it can be a way to feel healthier, save money and be more connected to your local area. 

If you want to develop a better understanding of what your environmental impact is, you can measure your carbon footprint using the WWF calculator or Giki Zero, which even allows you to measure as a household.  Why not ask your family to join in? 

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