Apply for an allotment
Currently all of our allotment sites have waiting lists.
Who can apply for an allotment
You can only apply for an allotment if you live in the borough.
You can’t apply for an allotment if your household already has one.
How to apply for an allotment
To be put on the waiting list complete the allotment application form.
You must specify which sites you are applying for.
You may choose up to three.
You must live in the borough and not already have an allotment.
Our allotments information sheet has information on:
site details
estimated waiting times.
Only one application can be made by each household.
Your three choices are not registered in order of preference. We will contact you to offer you an allotment plot for the site you reach the top of the list for first.
Accepting an allotment plot removes your application for your other choices.
Waiting times
Waiting times for some sites can be long so you may need to update your email address and/or phone number before you are offered a plot. If we cannot contact you on the details provided then the plot will be offered to the next person on the list.
See the waiting times for allotment sites.
Frequently asked questions
How much does it cost to rent an allotment site?
The exact price depends on the site and the size of the plot, but an average plot costs around £48 per year.
How big is a plot?
The average size is 125 square metres.
We can also offer smaller sized plots for those with less time to manage a full plot.
Do your allotments have water available?
All sites have water unless otherwise stated on the allotments information sheet (- see 'Documents' below).
Can I apply for an allotment owned by Lewisham Council if I don't live in the borough?
We currently have long waiting lists. Thus, we do not accept applications from, or offer plots to people who do not live in the borough.
Can I rent my allotment for as long as I like?
Currently our policy allows allotment holders to keep their plots for as long as they wish to. However, you are a tenant only – you cannot pass the plot on to anyone else.
If you do not maintain your plot we may ask you to give it up, so that others on the waiting list can use and enjoy it.
Can I apply for an allotment outside of the borough?
Other boroughs are generally experiencing a lot of demand but do sometimes have availability. Contact them directly for further information.
I already have an allotment in the borough, can I apply for another one?
- You are only allowed one allotment per household. If you want to move to another allotment site, call 020 8314 2277 or email
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