Lewisham Works
Lewisham Works is a free service to support unemployed residents in to good jobs.
We work closely with training partners and businesses to provide pathways into a range of jobs in various sectors.
We offer:
- a dedicated employment and training advisor
- careers advice and guidance
- CV development, job application support and interview techniques
- sector specific training
- access to volunteering and work experience opportunities
- access to vacancies and apprenticeships in Lewisham and the surrounding areas
- financial advice to maximise the benefit of working
- funds available for childcare and travel in the first few weeks of a new job
Interested in joining Lewisham Works?
You can book an appointment with an adviser directly.
You can also register your interest - note: this login and password will differ from your Lewisham Council credentials.
For any questions, feel free to email us at: JobsAndSkills@lewisham.gov.uk
Check out our jobs and opportunities board for opportunities you can apply for today.
Watch our video workshops on how to look for and apply for work.
If you are a business that would like to recruit local talent, then register with us to access support at no cost to your business.