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14–19-year-old learners with special educational needs

If you are a learner with a statement of special educational needs (SEN), and you are leaving school, you are advised to see a transition advisor from the Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities (LLDD) Transition Service.

The transition advisor can provide advice and practical help on several matters, including further education, training, voluntary work and employment.

You can also continue to receive support up to your 25th birthday from a range of agencies. For further information, please contact the Transition Advice Service.

​Colleges can provide additional support on mainstream courses. Most colleges also provide special courses which have smaller class sizes. Additionally, Greenvale School offers 16 to 19 courses for their students. If local colleges are unable to meet your needs, it may also be possible to attend a specialist college (you will need to meet the entry criteria).

Learning providers have to make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities in line with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Examples of reasonable adjustments include alternative exam arrangements, extra support with planning during exam and assessment periods, and access to a quiet room.


Lewisham LLDD Transition Advice

Kaleidoscope Child Development Centre, 32 Rushey Green, London, SE6 4JF


Baseline drop-in service

Unit 19, Lewisham Shopping Centre, SE13 7HB
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