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Learning for 16–19-year-olds

See education options for 16–19-year-olds.

Information and guidance about Post 16 options

Learn about the range of Post 16 opportunities in Lewisham colleges and sixth forms

T levels

Find out more about the new T level qualifications and where they are available.

Sixth forms in schools

There are a variety of sixth forms in schools that you can attend post-16.

Further education colleges

A list of colleges in and around the borough.

Sixth form colleges

There are a variety of sixth form colleges that you can attend post-16.

Employment with training for 16–19-year-olds

If you want to head into a job with training opportunities our resources may help you.

Continuing your learning

Did you know that the Government has raised the age young people can legally leave education from 16 years old? This means you will now be required to participate in education or training for longer. This initiative is known as 'raising the participation age' (RPA).
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