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Disputes, refunds and appeals

How to apply for a refund on a payment or make an appeal.
Haven't had your council tax bill?

If you've got a MyLewisham account and have registered to view your council tax account online, you won't get a paper copy of your annual bill – it'll be available to view online instead.

If you don't have MyLewisham account, you'll get a paper copy in the post as normal.

Dispute a missing payment

If we've told you that you've missed a council tax payment and you want to dispute this, you'll need to complete an online form. You will need to have your council tax account number, evidence of the payment and details of where and when the payment was made.

Request a refund

Let us know if you think you've paid too much council tax and need a refund. You will need to fill out the online form below, and will need your council tax account number and the bank details of the account where the refund should be sent.

Refunds will be processed within 20 working days.

Appealing your council tax

You can appeal against your council tax if you don't think you should be liable, or if you think your home is in the wrong valuation band.

Liability appeals

You have the right to appeal if:

  • you think you shouldn't be liable for council tax
  • you've been refused a discount or exemption that you think you're entitled to

Before you appeal, you should write to us first at the address at:

London Borough of Lewisham
Council Tax
PO Box 58993
London SE6 8GZ

If you can't resolve your dispute directly with us, you should write to:

Valuation Tribunal Service
2nd floor, 120 Leman Street
London E1 8EU

You must continue to pay the council tax charge until the outcome of the appeal.

Valuation appeals

If you think your home is in the wrong band, you have six months from the date you become liable to appeal. You should write to: 

The Listing Officer
Council Tax South
Valuation Office Agency
1 Ruskin Square
Dingwall Road
Croydon CR0 2WF

You must continue to pay the council tax charge based on your current banding until the outcome of the appeal.

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