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Preparing for adulthood

Prepare for the next stages of adult life, career or education if you are young person with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

How support changes from age 14 to 25

Find out how your support will change from age 14 to 18.

Money, benefits and grants

Get advice about managing your money and find the benefits and funding you’re entitled to as a young person with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Education options for over 16s

Explore educational options and support available if you have special needs and disabilities (SEND), such as college, university, traineeships, and more.

Employment advice

If you are a young person with special needs or disabilities (SEND), find information about accessing work, ranging from training to apprenticeships.

We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think of the Lewisham SEND Local Offer for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. 

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