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Preventing the theft and resale of high-value goods

How retailers can make it more difficult for thieves to sell on mobiles and other high-value goods.

Security marking

You can register and security-mark mobile phones and other valuable items (e.g. bikes, laptops and iPads) free of charge.

If someone steals a registered item, the police can easily identify it on the National Mobile Property Register and the owner has a higher chance of getting it back.

We run regular property marking events. Email cer@lewisham.gov.uk for details.  

Code of practice

Several second-hand retailers, including money loan stores and mobile phone kiosks, have signed up to a voluntary code of practice called CheckMend. This will improve security when buying and selling second-hand goods like mobile phones, jewellery, game consoles, iPads and laptops.

Under the scheme, retailers have to:

  • do proper checks when buying second-hand goods from members of the public

  • ask for two forms of photographic identification.

Retailers can check if goods have been reported lost or stolen. This helps the police identify lost and stolen goods and makes it harder for thieves to sell on stolen goods.

If you sell second-hand goods and would like to sign up to the CheckMend scheme contact us (details below).


Safer Communities Service

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