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Promoting local businesses

Find out how to get involved in our Discover Lewisham campaign.

Discover Lewisham

Our ‘Discover Lewisham’ campaign aims to spotlight our hidden gems across the borough and encourage people to visit and spend time within our town centres and high streets.

Our high streets are bursting with fantastic indie shops, bustling markets, lively bars, excellent restaurants, great entertainment venues and so much more to be discovered.

We want to do what we can to promote businesses that are affordable, underrepresented, value local shopping and give back to the community. If you are interested in being featured in this campaign, please email business@lewisham.gov.uk

Lewisham Local Card

If your business would like to offer special deals to local volunteers, local charities and other local businesses you can sign up to the Lewisham Local Card Scheme.

By joining you can:

  • Join a network of independent businesses and potential collaborators
  • Tap into a whole new audience – there are over 3,000 Lewisham Local cardholders who love to shop locally
  • Access a free webpage on the Lewisham Local website
  • Access lots of free promotion on the Lewisham Local newsletter and social media to over 5,000 individuals, 500 businesses and 300 local charities.
  • Easy and accessible social responsibility and socially responsible customers.
  • You get a free Lewisham Local Card – You too can access discounts in the high street in your daily life, but on top of that, you can also get discounts in professional services, such as accounting, web developing, coaching, graphic design, etc.
  • Choose the discount you’d like to offer.

Social media

Follow us on our social channels and look out for the #DiscoverLewisham hashtag for live updates and content:

  • Twitter: @LewishamCouncil
  • Facebook: Lewisham Council
  • Instagram: @LewishamCouncil      

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