Lewisham Council Homepage Skip navigation

Mayor and Council

Find out how we are governed and how you can get involved, from voting in your local elections to working for us.

Council meetings

View a calendar of meetings and committees details.

Mayor and cabinet

Information about cabinet members and their responsibilities.

Councillors and wards

Find information about your local councillors and the job they do or learn about how you could become a councillor.

Corporate strategy

Find out about our corporate strategy, values, priorities and budget.

About us

Find information about the Council, including how it's run, our finances and performance.


Search for vacancies, sign up for job alerts and get employment advice.

Elections and voting

Register to vote or find out about the election process and previous election results.

Local assemblies

Find out about local assemblies and how you can get involved.

MPs and AMs

Find out about the elected officials who represent you regionally and nationally.

Lewisham Strategic Partnership

The Lewisham Strategic Partnership (LSP) brings together the public, community, and private sectors.

Complaints and feedback

Get in touch if you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion, or see our whistleblowing policy.

The Young Mayor

The Young Mayor for 2025-24 is Shane Grant and the Deputy Young Mayor is Jimaine Lee.

Overview and scrutiny

Find out how your councillors can hold the mayor and cabinet (otherwise known as the executive), officers and external organisations to account for the decisions that they make. ​

Influence decisions

From crime to conservation, schools to speed-bumps, have your voice heard.

Positive Ageing Council

If you're over 60 and live, work or study in the borough, you can join the Positive Ageing Council to discuss issues that affect the lives of older people.

Community support

See how we can support you to be active in your communities.​

Project funding

Find out about our funding streams and get advice on how to get funding for your project or organisation.

Press office

Find out how to get in contact with our Press Team.
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