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The benefits of being a governor

Here you can find information on the rewards of being a school governor.

Why become a governor

You might consider becoming a school governor because:

  • you care about the education that children receive

  • you want to make an important contribution to your local community

  • you enjoy a challenging and rewarding role

  • you are keen to help all children do better at school

  • you want to help to strengthen the link between schools and their communities.

Rewards of being a governor

You will get:

  • knowledge that you have played a part in improving children’s education and supported the school’s staff

  • a chance to develop new skills and to practise existing ones, such as chairing meetings, speaking in groups, asking questions, making suggestions, appointing staff, and monitoring the budget

  • a chance to help other members of the team, perhaps because they are new, are not used to committee work or need help in learning about the school and about school governance.

A school governor who recently resigned after a number of years in the role because of increased work commitments said in his resignation letter: 'I have enjoyed every minute of being a governor and feel this experience has taught me a lot about myself, given me skills I have never before used and knowledge I will carry with me for life.'

How we support school governors

The Governors’ Services Team comprises two full time office based staff and a team of part-time clerks. This experienced team provides high quality advice and support to the governing bodies of Lewisham’s schools, together with a comprehensive training programme.

Find information on induction training and further support and development


Governors' Services

Second Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
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