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How to deliver your community-led project

Find out how to manage risks and address problems so your project will deliver successfully. 

Regular meetings to update everyone involved about the progress of your project might be a good idea. You’ll need to manage the expectations of supporters and keep them motivated when you encounter problems. 

Dealing with problems

It has often been said that ‘...nothing worth doing is easy’; even the best laid plans can come undone. It’s important that you have contingency plans in place to deal with setbacks. If you lose key members of the team, will you be able to continue? If you apply for funding and it is withdrawn, are there ways in which you can deliver your project for less? If you require permissions from the Council that are not granted immediately, is it possible to get advice about how to better your application?  

Managing risks

You might find it useful to map out risks to the successful delivery of your project. Doing this should help you manage those risks and deal with problems as they arise. You could get a small group of people together (depending on the size of your project) to map out the areas of risk to the successful delivery of your plans. Once you’ve mapped out the risks, it’s important to assess the likelihood of those risks occurring. If there are significant risks that have a high likelihood of occurring are there ways to minimise or mitigate those risks?

Reaching the finish line

Towards the end of your project you’ll need to return to your plans for the ongoing running, upkeep and maintenance of your project. There may be tasks you need to complete in order to pass responsibility for your project over to someone else. They may need information, permissions, leases or drawings. You might also need to provide information or accounts to funders to demonstrate how you’ve spent any grant funding.

Hosting a closing event or party could be an opportunity to get your community together to publicise your success. There’s information available on the Lewisham site about planning an event. You might want to contact you local councillors and assembly coordinators to spread the word.

What ever you choose to do, good luck!

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