ICO Enforcement Notice
The notice relates to requests made under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. We have been in dialogue with the ICO since October 2022 regarding our performance.
We have made progress in responding to new requests within the statutory time limit of 20 working days. However, we still have a significant number of older FOIs that have not been responded to.
The enforcement order required the Council to publish an action plan within 35 days and close the backlog of FOIs within six months. Our action plan is published on this page, and we are working through this as a matter of priority.
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The Freedom of Information team moved under the direction of the Council’s Director of Law & Corporate Governance, Jeremy Chambers – who is also the Council’s statutory Monitoring Officer with effect from 1 April 2023.
In advance of the team moving under him, the Director of Law & Governance set up a task group, including director-level representatives and senior officers from across the Council. Additional dedicated resources are to be made available in each department and will remain available until the backlog is cleared.
Regular updates will be provided to the Council’s Chief Executive, councillors and the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Pdf, 243.8KB