Complaints and feedback
Get in touch if you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion, or see our whistleblowing policy.
Report an issue with a service
How to send us a complaint or feedback
If you have complaint, or you'd like to give us feedback about a service, you can tell us by filling in one of our online forms.
Adult social care compliments, comments, complaints and appeals
Find out how to share compliments, comments, complaints or raise an appeal about adult social care services and how we can help address your concerns.
Corporate complaints procedure
What happens when you make a complaint.
Housing complaints procedure
What happens when you make a complaint.
Children and young people's services
Find out how to give your comments, compliments and complaints about our children and young people’s services.
How to make a complaint about one of our schools.
Feedback about planning
We are committed to providing an excellent service and rely heavily on feedback from our customers in order to improve our service.
Our commitment to responding to complaints
See our approach to handling your complaints
Complaints and feedback: you said, we did
We want to provide excellent services, so we use your comments and suggestions to improve the way we do things.
Complaints performance
See yearly reports showing our performance when dealing with complaints.
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
See our whistleblowing policy.