Get support at children and family centres
What support is available
If you visit one of our children and family centres, you can access the following services:
family and parenting support, including family learning and parenting courses
advice on early-years education and childcare, including eligibility for free education and childcare for 2–4-year-olds
child and family health services, including baby hubs and breastfeeding support
volunteering and employment support, including links to Jobcentre Plus
information and advice about children’s services and schools
drop-in services covering health, education and a range of other areas such as debt management, counselling and SENDIASS.
Family nurse partnership (FNP)
The family nurse partnership (FNP) provides a home visiting service to support young first time mothers (aged 22 and under) during early pregnancy until their child is two years old. Get more information about the family nurse partnership.
Health visiting service
Health visitors are registered nurses or midwives who work with children up to the age of five. They hold clinics at some children and family centres in the borough. Get more information about health visitors.