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Early years foundation stage (EYFS): information for parents

Nurseries, pre-schools, reception classes and registered childminders must follow the EYFS framework.

What it means for you as a parent or carer

The EYFS framework provides a set of welfare standards and a level of quality you can check using Ofsted.

It includes seven areas of learning and development:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development
  • literacy
  • maths
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design.

How your child is getting on

You can get information about your child’s development at any time from their nursery, pre-school, school or childminder.

There are two stages (at age two, and again at age five) when the professionals caring for your child must give you written information about they are doing.

Progress check for two-year-olds

After your child turns two, you will get a written summary of how they are progressing in the first ;three areas of learning. These are:

  • communication and language

  • physical development

  • personal, social and emotional development.

Early years foundation stage profile

In the summer term of reception year, when children are five years old, teachers complete an assessment known as the EYFS profile.

The assessment is based on what they – in discussion with you – have observed over a period of time.

All the information collected is used to judge how your child is doing in the seven areas of learning and development.

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