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NCIL funding of nearly £3 million announced for 149 community projects across all wards in Lewisham

149 community projects will receive grants from Lewisham Council’s Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy ward fund of nearly £3 million, following a meeting of Mayor and Cabinet on Wednesday evening.

The local projects that have been awarded funding are based on the priorities chosen directly by residents in each of Lewisham’s wards at the local assemblies, including community facilities, youth activities, green spaces, transport and streets.  This funding will be spread right across the borough, helping a wide range of community organisations and residents.

This funding comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which the Council charges on new developments in Lewisham. Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL) is used to invest in community projects in the local areas, helping to address the impact of new developments on local residents.

Additionally, there has been a focus on COVID-19 recovery to support projects that assist in Lewisham’s recovery from the pandemic and demonstrate a real benefit to Lewisham’s communities at a ward level.

Community groups that will be funded by the ward-based NCIL fund include:

New Playground in Lewisham Park
The key priorities for residents in Lewisham Central are open green space and opportunities for social cohesion. This new playground will benefit up to 15,390 local residents and park users in this ward. 

St. Peter's Brockley Food Bank & Social Supermarket
Community facilities are a big priority in Brockley ward and the St Peter’s Brockley Food Bank and Social Supermarket benefits over 800 residents locally and has been a lifeline to many throughout the pandemic.

Downham Detached Youth Project
A new part-time youth worker will be funded to work with young people and community groups on local estates, particularly supporting young people to deal with the impacts of the pandemic. 

Evelyn Young Women Changemakers 
This project will train and support young women to be community leaders, working in community safety and resilience. 

A full list of the 149 projects receiving NCIL ward funding can be found here.

Cllr Kim Powell, Cabinet Member for Business and Community Wealth Building said:

“Lewisham is fully committed to investing in its communities, taking money from new developments and putting it back into the community to help local residents. We are the first council to use a deprivation indicator to allocate additional funding, helping to tackle inequalities and invest money into our more deprived areas. I’m proud that we are leading the way by using NCIL in such an effective and pioneering way. 

“We’ve involved our residents at every step of this process through our local assembly meetings. I am really looking forward to seeing the tremendous difference that this funding will make for residents across every single ward in Lewisham through our amazing and dedicated voluntary and community partners.” 

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