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Lewisham Council announces Marathon runners for 2023

We kicked off 2023 by recruiting Marathon runners to raise money for the Mayor's charity: The Young Lewisham Project. Meet Team Lewisham and find out more about how to support them this year.

We are pleased to announce our London marathon runners for 2023. Our keen athletes have been hard at work creating their fundraising pages and meeting regularly to train.

Team Lewisham is made up of Council officers Kate Greenwood and Ruth Eytle, Catford South Cllr James Royston, teacher Jonathan Ronan, and Young Lewisham Project mentor Leigh Timon. All with varying degrees of experience, our team will be raring to go at the starting line on April 23rd.

With a collective target of £5000, which we’re hoping to beat, the team are raising money to support the work of the Young Lewisham Project. Staff at the project work tirelessly to provide services for disadvantaged young people who struggle in mainstream education. They’re a small charity with big ambition based in Forest Hill, who offer training on practical courses like electrical and mechanical engineering, as well as being a safe space for things like wellbeing support and cookery classes.

With the cost of everything going up, every penny counts when it comes to supporting this local charity. If we reach our target, the YLP will be able to continue providing high quality services to its young people, carry out much needed facilities work, and invest in more sustainable green energy projects.

Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham, said: “The Young Lewisham Project are a life-changing small local charity working with young people in Lewisham. They focus on practical lifetime skills like mechanics, bike and motorbike repair, cookery, sports – they’re even training people to become plumbers and electricians. They work with local children who are often having a hard time a school and as they’re a small all money raised makes a big difference.”

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