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Lewisham wins Sustainable Food Place Silver Award

Lewisham has won a silver Sustainable Food Places Award, which recognises the borough’s work to promote healthy, sustainable and local food.

The award also celebrates Lewisham’s commitment to addressing critical food-related social challenges, such as food poverty, diet-related health issues, and the decline of independent food retailers.

Recent improvements in the borough have been driven by Lewisham’s food partnership, Good Food Lewisham. Over the past two years the partnership has focussed on:

  • fighting for food justice
  • expanding food growing in the borough
  • building a Good Food Business Network
  • increasing uptake of the Healthy Start initiative – a national scheme that provides money for families with young children on a low income to buy healthy foods such as milk, fruit and vegetables 

Simone Riddle, Food Justice Programme Manager at Lewisham Local, said:
“Lewisham Local is proud to have supported Lewisham’s application for a Silver Sustainable Food Places award. 

“It’s a testament to the efforts of local residents, community groups, organisations, businesses and Lewisham Council, who are all working hard to transform Lewisham’s food system.

“We want to make sure that everyone in the borough has access to food that is nutritious, sustainable, affordable and culturally appropriate.”

Councillor Paul Bell, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care, said:
“Food is a human right. Far too many of our fellow residents go without food far too often. 

“I’m delighted that Lewisham has won this award. The partnership is a cause not just a job. Well done to all the members of the partnership for everything they do.”

Leon Ballin, the Sustainable Food Places Programme Manager, said:
“Lewisham has shown just what can be achieved when creative and committed people work together to make healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live. 

“While there is still much to do and many challenges to overcome, everyone involved should be very proud of the work that they have been doing to transform our collective food culture and food system for the better.” 

More information on Good Food Lewisham

Good Food Lewisham is a network of passionate people working together to change the world of food in the borough with a vision is to see Lewisham become a diverse and lively community that connects people to healthy, sustainable and affordable food that is grown, produced and prepared locally to promote a vibrant food culture and prospering local economy. 

The partnership was founded in 2016 by GCDA and Lewisham Council and has been hosted since 2022 by Lewisham Local, a local charity that is working to make Lewisham a happier, healthier place to live. Good Food Lewisham is part of Lewisham’s Food Justice Alliance and Lewisham Food Growing Network. 

Good Food Lewisham recently launched a three year action plan after engagement with local residents, which has identified future priorities to work on including sustainable food procurement, more action on food growing and healthier food for the planet.

We would love to hear from you if you’d like to get involved in this work, whether you’re a local resident, good food business, school or other organisation. 

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