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Lewisham awarded two more Green Flag Awards

Lewisham’s parks and green spaces have been awarded their highest-ever number of 23 Green Flags, the award given to the very best green spaces around the world.

The latest park in Lewisham to be given a prestigious Green Flag Award is Forster Memorial Park and a Green Flag Community Award has been awarded to St Mary’s Church Yard which is managed by Lewisham Council with the help of the parish community and includes the wonderful Therapeutic Garden.

Lewisham has also successfully retained its 21 existing Green Flags for parks and nature reserves in the borough.

Lewisham Council, in partnership with Glendale and many parks’ friends and community groups, manages 47 parks 5 churchyards and 15 nature reserves in the borough – each with its own unique character and environment. The Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Strategy aims to make the borough’s green spaces even better by improving community involvement, boosting biodiversity and getting residents – including young people – more involved in decision-making.

Cllr Andre Bourne, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, said:

“Gaining two more prestigious Green Flag awards is fantastic news for Lewisham! As an inner-city borough, we are very proud of our award-winning parks, green spaces and nature reserves that bring so many health and wellbeing benefits to our residents.

“The news that two more green spaces in Lewisham have achieved Green Flags is testament to the hard work and dedication of the teams that make our green spaces sanctuaries that everyone can enjoy. Many thanks to all our Friends’ groups in the borough, our partners, Glendale and our Council parks’ team.”

Paul Todd, Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award Scheme Manager said:

“I would like to congratulate everyone involved at Forster Memorial Park and St Mary’s Church Yard in achieving new Green Flag Awards in Lewisham.

“These are vital green spaces for the community, bringing people together and providing opportunities to lead healthy lifestyles. The staff and volunteers do so much and everyone involved should feel extremely proud of their achievement.”

Find out more about Lewisham’s parks and open spaces and nature reserves.

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