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Creating an autism inclusive borough

Today we launched our first Lewisham All-Age Autism Strategy, a first step in our journey to become an autism inclusive borough.

Young woman wearing headphones, sitting on bus and smiling at someone off-camera.
The strategy will support our autistic population to thrive and feel welcome and safe within the borough. It has been developed with valuable contributions from the autistic community, as well as parents, carers and health professionals, who have helped us to understand what is important to autistic people in the borough.

There are eight priorities within the strategy which were shaped from feedback gathered from public consultations, autistic focused workshops and relevant clinical, professional and organisational input:

  • Priority 1: Improving understanding and acceptance of autism within the community
  • Priority 2: Improving autistic children’s and young people’s access to education
  • Priority 3: Improving diagnostic pathways and autism support services
  • Priority 4: Tackling health and care inequalities for autistic people
  • Priority 5: Supporting autistic people into employment
  • Priority 6: Reducing mental health admissions and supporting quality inpatient care
  • Priority 7: Improving support within the criminal and youth justice systems
  • Priority 8: Improving experiences of caring

Lewisham Autism Partnership Board

We’re bringing together professionals from across social care, education and health who, together with members of the autistic community, will form the new Lewisham Autism Partnership Board. This board will drive the strategy and produce action plans to turn the visions into reality. We’re committed to monitoring and reporting the impact of these actions, so we can be accountable for the progress made.

All-Age Autism Support Service

The launch of the strategy and partnership board are just the first steps in our journey. In 2024, we will launch a new All-Age Autism Support Service Offer. While Lewisham’s current autism support service is for children and young people with a formal diagnosis, the new service will expand the local offer of support to include adults and those individuals that are waiting to be formally diagnosed.

The service will also include an information hub providing increased accessibility to a wide range of information, advice and support services for parents/carers, children, young people and adults.

Download the full strategy

Download the full strategy or the easy-read version.

We’ll be updating our website with more information about the strategy and its implementation soon. In the meantime, you can contact autismpartnership@lewisham.gov.uk for more information or if you’re interested in getting involved.

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