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Consultation launched on sustainable streets for Evelyn

Proposals have been published to improve local streets in Evelyn as part of Lewisham Council’s Sustainable Streets programme.

The programme aims to reduce traffic, pollution and carbon emissions by reducing the number of car journeys made in and around the borough and encouraging more people to walk, cycle or use public transport.

Residents in Deptford and parts of Catford and Crofton Park were consulted on Sustainable Streets proposals for their roads earlier this year. Following the consultation, updated recommendations were approved by Mayor and Cabinet in July, with the programme set to be rolled out in full in Deptford and in two smaller areas in Catford and Crofton Park.

The proposals for Evelyn include a new parking permit scheme to discourage unnecessary car journeys – helping reduce traffic, congestion and pollution – and ensure parking is prioritised for local residents and businesses.

Alongside the introduction of a parking permit scheme, a series of improvements to local streets and new sustainable transport measures are proposed, including more street trees, safer crossing points, electric vehicle charging points, secure cycle storage and car club bays.

Detailed proposals for roads in Evelyn have been published and residents and businesses are being asked to complete the consultation survey by Sunday 24 September 2023 to share their views. Information about the consultation will be sent to each household in the consultation area and paper copies of the consultation survey are available to collect from the 2000 Community Action Centre.

View the proposals for Evelyn and complete the consultation survey.

Proposed changes to parking

With unrestricted parking on 75% of roads in the borough, improving parking management is vital for reducing the number of unnecessary car journeys and tackling traffic, congestion and air pollution.

Consultation feedback received during Phase One of the Sustainable Streets programme showed that many residents in Evelyn experience significant parking pressures on their streets, particularly on days where there are high numbers of visitors to the area for events and football matches. Concerns were also raised about the impact of commuter parking if permit parking was introduced in Deptford alongside existing CPZs in Southwark.

The introduction of a parking permit scheme for Evelyn is proposed to help alleviate parking pressures in the area and ensure parking is prioritised for local residents and businesses, as well as discouraging unnecessary car journeys and reducing traffic and congestion.

Introducing a parking permit scheme will also provide the funding and road space needed to invest in sustainable transport measures and improvements to local streets.

Improvements to local streets and sustainable transport measures

Alongside the introduction of a parking permit scheme, a series of improvements to local streets and new sustainable transport measures are proposed, including safer crossing points, electric vehicle charging points, secure cycle storage, car club bays and more street trees.

The proposals include more street trees, safer crossing points, electric vehicle charging points, secure cycle storage and car club bays.

The funding generated from the introduction of parking permit schemes will enable the delivery of these improvements and sustainable transport measures.

Read frequently asked questions here.

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