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Lewisham’s adult learners, tutors and staff who support them, were celebrated at an awards event at the Broadway Theatre

Inspirational learners and adult learning staff were recognised for their hard work and commitment to learning at a celebration of achievement awards, presented by Cllr Walsh, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure on Wednesday 5 July.

Winners and highly commended learners across five award categories were joined by their family and friends, residents who have gained new skills, improved their English and maths, or followed a passion to complete their adult learning courses.

(Left to right) Sidra Hill-Reid, Head of Community Education & Cultural Assets, Sarah Nuza, Cllr James-J Walsh, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and CommunicationSarah Nuza, winner of the Learner of the Year award, who has been attending Supported Learning Home Management courses for many years said: ‘I am very proud to receive this award. My learning is very important to me. It has given me the skills to be independent and live a safe and happy life. I have made many friends and my tutors have been very kind to me’. 

Sabina Akabutu, winner of the learning for progression award joined a clothesmaking class in 2022 because she wants to start her own business. She wanted to learn to draft her own patterns rather than follow a commercial pattern - which isn’t an easy skill to learn for a beginner. Sabina was thrilled to receive the award and said, ‘I didn't think I could get sewing techniques right, much more making a wearable dress from unusable fabric pieces.’

Adult learning staff were also recognised for their support and contribution to learners’ successes. Winners and highly commended teaching and non-teaching staff received awards. Rachel Graham, tutor for keep fit to music and winner of the teaching staff award was recognised for helping her class stay fit and physically and mentally well. One nominee said, ‘she encourages us to do that little bit more each time so that we get stronger and more flexible’. Another said, ‘When I am not able to attend Rachel's class, I find myself much less able to withstand the pressures and stresses of my week. This demonstrates how important her classes have become for me’.

Lasmin Ellis, art tutor, received a highly commended teaching staff award and was praised for bringing out the best in her learners. One learner said, ‘Lasmin has helped me see the world differently, every nook and cranny is an opportunity to create a piece of art’.

Winner of the non-teaching staff award Denise Darlow, Curriculum Leader for Textiles and Floral Design, was celebrated for ‘always strives to improve the service for her tutors and learners. Denise always suggests routes of learning so learners can gain and progress their skills and interests.’

Terry Angel, Premises Officer received a highly commended non-teaching staff award. He was recognised for the help and support he provides to learners and staff. 

Councillor Walsh, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure said:

'Congratulations to all our adult learner award winners and the brilliant tutors who support them. It was a pleasure to celebrate with them and hear truly inspirational learning journeys.

'Adult Learning Lewisham not only helps residents achieve their learning goals, they also have a massive impact on the wellbeing of our residents. The difference they make to local people’s lives is huge – many learners have enhanced their confidence, found work, or started exercising to improve their health and wellbeing.

'I would encourage anyone who wants to improve their English or maths, learn a new skill or discover a new interest to see what Lewisham's adult learning service has to offer.'

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