Meet the Apprentice 2022: An interview with Ryan Robertson-Barnes in the Environmental Waste team
Why did you apply for an apprenticeship at Lewisham Council?
When I left school, I set myself a goal. I wanted to work for a reputable company. I feel that working at Lewisham Council is a great way to meet that goal. Also, I felt as though I wanted to give something back to the borough that has been my home since I was born. So when the opportunity came up for a Council apprenticeship, I went for it.
What was the application process like?
The application process seemed daunting at first, especially considering that this was one of the first apprenticeships I applied for! However, the whole process was straightforward. In my interview, I spoke about the various skills I’d picked up at school, demonstrated how they were relevant to the position I was applying for, and how I intended to develop these skills through an apprenticeship at the Council. I was informed only hours after my interview that I was successful! It was a huge relief.
What do you like about your role?
I currently work as an Administrative Assistant in the Environmental Waste department. This involves answering residents’ queries about bin deliveries and collections, investigating missed collections, processing orders and dealing with complaints. I enjoy helping as many different residents as possible, on a daily basis and contributing to the upkeep of Lewisham.
What is it like to work as an apprentice during the pandemic?
Bin collections were classed as an essential service so I've been in the office everyday since I started. Settling in was easy. All my team members were really friendly and helpful, which meant I was able to adapt quickly. That daily interaction with colleagues has helped me build good working relationships and I definitely feel part of a great team.
Working at the depot during the pandemic, when many other businesses and services were forced to close, made me appreciate the immense effort that goes into running a service that, on face value, appears relatively straightforward.
What have you achieved in your role so far? Any future plans?
Our team ensures that residents have adequate recycling provision. We all pull together - it's a group effort - to ensure bins are collected on time, which prevents overflows and keeps the streets looking presentable. I feel like I’m playing my part in looking after the local environment and in helping Lewisham achieve its vision of being “the best place in London to live, work and learn.”
Looking to the future, I’d love to stay at the Council so a permanent contract, where I can continue developing my skills and help more residents, would be great.
What advice would you give to other residents who are thinking about doing an apprenticeship?
I'd say go for it! At first, applying for an apprenticeship seemed like an unusual choice, especially when leaving sixth form (where the vast majority of leavers were going to university). However, I haven’t looked back since applying for an apprenticeship with the Council – I’ve been able to build my interpersonal skills and develop great relationships with my colleagues. Most importantly however, I have been able to gain experience within a workplace environment, which is what the vast majority of employers look for in prospective employees.
Visit our apprenticeships page for more information or to search for a role.