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Meet the Apprentice 2022: An interview with Alisha O’Connor, in Adult Learning Lewisham

It's National Apprenticeship Week. We caught up with Alisha O'Connor, a Premises Administrator in the Adult Learning team, to find out about her experiences of the Council's apprenticeship programme.

A young, Black woman standing in front of a white wall wearing a brown leather jacket and white t-shirt underneath.Why did you apply for an apprenticeship at Lewisham Council?

I’ve lived in Lewisham my whole life and wanted to help make a change to my local community. I knew I didn’t want to go to uni and really liked the idea of studying and working at the same time. So I thought a Council apprenticeship would be a great way to start my career.

What was the application process like?

It was quick and easy. I browsed the jobs listed on the Lewisham Council website and picked the apprenticeships I thought were best suited to me. I applied for two roles. All I had to do was answer a few questions and submit an application form, along with my CV. A few weeks later, I was offered an interview online and then shortly after, I was offered the job.

What do you enjoy about your role?

As the Premises Administrator for Adult Learning Lewisham, I manage six centres - three learning and three community centres. I take care of all the administration. From paying invoices, to organising cleaning or building maintenance; from ordering in food for the three cafes to managing bookings enquiries. I like the fact that it’s a varied role that changes from one day to the next.

I’m also very happy in my team. Everyone is incredibly friendly and understanding. I get a lot of support from my colleagues with assignments and workload, if needed.

What’s it been like to work during the pandemic?

It’s definitely been a learning curve. I’ve spent the vast majority of my apprenticeship working from home. It took some getting used to, as I haven’t worked from home in previous job roles. Fortunately, I can now switch it up and choose whether to work in the office or from home.

What have you achieved in your role so far? Any future plans?

I feel like I’ve achieved a lot, I’ve had the opportunity to meet loads of people and undergo a wide variety of training and courses. I recently also volunteered as an ambassador for Lewisham’s London Borough of Culture. Being out and about, meeting new people was a great experience.

In the future, I hope to have a permanent role in the Council. Whether that’s the job I’m in now or something similar. My aim is to gradually move up the ladder to become a manager.

What advice would you give to other residents who are thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

If you're anything like me and you’re not sure university is right for you – I’d definitely recommend an apprenticeship, as you can get a qualification and get paid at the same time. I’d suggest doing your research and checking the Council website regularly. You’re bound to find something that works for you.

Lewisham Council is a great place to do your apprenticeship. You get so much support, I’m really happy here.


Visit our apprenticeships page for more information or to search for a role.

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